Skagboys Service How to Choose a Creative Business Name That Works for You

How to Choose a Creative Business Name That Works for You

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There are a few things to consider when choosing creative business names. The name should be reflective of what your business does, easy to remember, and unique. It’s also important to make sure the name you choose is available as a domain name and that it’s not already being used by another business.
Here are a few tips for choosing a creative business names
1. Reflective of what your business does: The name of your business should be reflective of the products or services you offer. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you might want to include the word “design” in your business name.
2. Easy to remember: Choose a name that’s easy to remember and spell. The last thing you want is for potential customers to forget your name or be unable to find your website because they can’t spell it correctly.
3. Unique: With so many businesses out there, it’s important to choose a name that’s unique and not already being used by another business. One way to do this is to come up with a play on words or use a made-up word.
4. Available as a domain name: Make sure the name you choose is available as a .com domain name. This is the most common domain extension and the one that people are most likely to remember.
5. Not already being used by another business: As mentioned above, it’s important to choose a name that’s unique and not already being used by another business. One way to check this is to do a quick search on Google or another search engine.
Once you’ve chosen one of the creative business names, it’s important to protect it by trademarking it. This will prevent other businesses from using your name and will help you build a strong brand.

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